This documentation includes only those methods that have been added to the base pathlib.Path class; refer to that class’s documentation for everything else. In addition, pathlib.Path’s definition overrides the __new__ method to construct either a PosixPath or a WindowsPath. This doesn’t have any impact on the end user, but means we have to include one of those classes here to use autodoc:.

class repathlib.repathlib.PosixPath
search(pattern: Union[str, Pattern[AnyStr]], part: str = 'name', flags: int = 0) → Optional[Match[AnyStr]]

Apply re.search() to the path

  • pattern (Union[str, Pattern]) – Regular expression string, or a compiled regular expression
  • part (str, optional {'name', 'full', 'suffix', 'suffixes', 'parent', 'stem', 'resolved'}, default 'name') – Part of the Path to search; full is the complete (but unresolved) path, suffixes is all suffixes joined with ., resolved is the complete resolved path, and the remaining options are exactly that property or attribute of the Path
  • flags (int, optional, default 0) – Flags passed to search

Match of the pattern to the given part of the path, or None

Return type:


match_(pattern: Union[str, Pattern[AnyStr]], part: str = 'name', flags: int = 0) → Optional[Match[AnyStr]]

Apply re.match() to the path

  • pattern (Union[str, Pattern]) – Regular expression string, or a compiled regular expression
  • part (str, optional {'name', 'full', 'suffix', 'suffixes', 'parent', 'stem', 'resolved'}, default 'name') – Part of the Path to search; full is the complete (but unresolved) path, suffixes is all suffixes joined with ., resolved is the complete resolved path, and the remaining options are exactly that property or attribute of the Path
  • flags (int, optional, default 0) – Flags passed to match

Match of the pattern to the given part of the path, or None

Return type:



Note that this method is match_, not match, to maintain the existing method pathlib.PurePath.match().

fullmatch(pattern: Union[str, Pattern[AnyStr]], part: str = 'name', flags: int = 0) → Optional[Match[AnyStr]]

Apply re.fullmatch() to the path

  • pattern (Union[str, Pattern]) – Regular expression string, or a compiled regular expression
  • part (str, optional {'name', 'full', 'suffix', 'suffixes', 'parent', 'stem', 'resolved'}, default 'name') – Part of the Path to search; full is the complete (but unresolved) path, suffixes is all suffixes joined with ., resolved is the complete resolved path, and the remaining options are exactly that property or attribute of the Path
  • flags (int, optional, default 0) – Flags passed to fullmatch

Match of the pattern to the given part of the path, or None

Return type:


findall(pattern: Union[str, Pattern[AnyStr]], part: str = 'name', flags: int = 0) → Optional[Match[AnyStr]]

Apply re.findall() to the path

  • pattern (Union[str, Pattern]) – Regular expression string, or a compiled regular expression
  • part (str, optional {'name', 'full', 'suffix', 'suffixes', 'parent', 'stem', 'resolved'}, default 'name') – Part of the Path to search; full is the complete (but unresolved) path, suffixes is all suffixes joined with ., resolved is the complete resolved path, and the remaining options are exactly that property or attribute of the Path
  • flags (int, optional, default 0) – Flags passed to findall

Match of the pattern to the given part of the path, or None

Return type:


finditer(pattern: Union[str, Pattern[AnyStr]], part: str = 'name', flags: int = 0) → Optional[Match[AnyStr]]

Apply re.finditer() to the path

  • pattern (Union[str, Pattern]) – Regular expression string, or a compiled regular expression
  • part (str, optional {'name', 'full', 'suffix', 'suffixes', 'parent', 'stem', 'resolved'}, default 'name') – Part of the Path to search; full is the complete (but unresolved) path, suffixes is all suffixes joined with ., resolved is the complete resolved path, and the remaining options are exactly that property or attribute of the Path
  • flags (int, optional, default 0) – Flags passed to finditer

Match of the pattern to the given part of the path, or None

Return type:


reiterdir(pattern: Union[str, Pattern[AnyStr]] = None, method: str = 'search', part: str = 'name', yield_type: str = 'path', flags=0) → Generator[Union[repathlib.repathlib.RePath, Match[AnyStr], Tuple[repathlib.repathlib.RePath, Match[AnyStr]]], None, None]

Iterate over the path, yielding paths which match the given pattern. If no pattern is given, defaults to using Path.iterdir.

  • pattern (str, default None) – Regular expression string, or a compiled regular expression
  • method (str, optional {'search', 'match', 'fullmatch', 'findall', 'finditer'}, default 'search') – Method from re to use
  • part (str, optional {'name', 'full', 'suffix', 'suffixes', 'parent', 'stem', 'resolved'}, default 'name') – Part of the Path to search; full is the complete (but unresolved) path, suffixes is all suffixes joined with ., resolved is the complete resolved path, and the remaining options are exactly that property or attribute of the Path
  • yield_type (str, optional ['path', 'match', 'tuple'], default 'path') – Yield type of the generator. If path, returns the Path object; if match, returns the re.Match object; if tuple, returns a tuple of (Path, re.Match)
  • flags (int, optional, default 0) – Flags passed to the re function

Generator[Union[Path, Match, Tuple[Path, Match]], None, None] – If yield_type is ‘path’ (the default), yields Path instances; if ‘match’, yields matches; if ‘tuple’, yields a tuple of path and match